Volari is designed to help you live with your COPD by providing simple tools to make a positive difference every day.
Life is about choices! But it’s never too late to choose positive changes. Choices regarding daily habits, lifestyle, wellbeing and treatment have significant impact on your day-to-day life experience.
We know that living with COPD isnt easy - but you do have choices. Its never too late to make positive changes in your life.
- Track your mood, symptoms, adherence, activity level, smoking habits, sleep quality and water intake
- Take the CCQ to assess your COPD health status
- Watch your progress to spot changes in symptoms and habits week after week
- Share your data with your physician and loved ones to get support
Volari is always at hand to help track, share, motivate and inspire you to make a positive change.
The Volari application is designed for use by Australian patients with COPD. This App is not a medical device; it is intended for use as a personal assessment tool only. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Australia Pty Limited ACN 004 244 160. CORP0294 January 2016